places like Australia, Ireland, etc where guns are completely outlawed
Hang on a minute, Mate!
As a licensed firearm owner who lives in Australia, I can tell you right now that that statement is bloody wrong! Firearms are not "completely outlawed" in Australia, as you just claimed they are.
(Anyway, your following remarks contradict your first statement, when you go on to state You can own a .22 pistol or rifle .... in other words, you are admitting there that it is possible, after all, to legally own a firearm in Australia).
My collection of rifles (all quite legal and above board) includes heavy calibre weapons as well as a .22. Also, it definitely DID NOT take me "forever" to acquire my firearms licence. In fact, it was a faster process than that required for a person to gain their first ever driver's licence.
Further, in this country, membership of a shooting club is just one of a number of reasons a firearm's licence applicant may use as justification for owning a firearm. (Formerly a hunter, and one of my hobbies is small-bore shooting, these days my rifles are used primarily for pest control).
Obviously (make that very obviously), the subject of firearms control is an emotional issue here:
- But Please ......... let's keep to facts!